By Vidyut Chandra Patange- Consultant and Trainer.

Let's be honest. Being a great leader ain't easy. As in an  effective, inspiring, well-respected leader for your company. 

Anyone can sit in a corner office and delegate tasks, but there is more to effective leadership than that. Effective leaders have major impacts on not only the team members they manage, but also their company as a whole. Employees who work under great leaders tend to be happier, more productive and more connected to their organization – and this has a ripple effect that reaches your business's bottom line.

Be emotionally aware.

While many people advise keeping emotions separate from matters of business, business is ultimately about relationships between people. To make these relationships last, you need to be emotionally intelligent -- to be sensitive to different points of view and different backgrounds. When using your head to do what’s best for your company, don’t forget to have a heart.

Team study results 

  1.    No one on your team has criticized one of your ideas in the past month.
  2.  You spend more time planning your own career progression than that of your team members.           \
  3. You haven't had at least three completely non-work-related conversations with a team member weekly.
  4. Different team members would provide different answers if asked your top three priorities for the year.
  5.  Team members are afraid to fail,  

Connect with your team members.

Leading a group of people requires a mutual sense of trust and understanding between the leader and their team members. To achieve this, leaders should learn to connect. 

Terry "Starbucker" St. Marie, a leadership writer and consultant, said that being a "more human" leader requires positivity, purpose, empathy, compassion, humility and love. These key traits will put you on the road to genuine connections with the members of your team.

"Building a real, personal connection with your teammates is vital to developing the shared trust necessary to build a strong culture of accountability and exceptional performance," St. Marie said. "With that culture in place, the team can achieve a successful business, a happy team and a fulfilled leader." 

To build a connection with each of your team members, focus on getting to know their personality, interests, strengths, weaknesses, hobbies and preferences. This can give you insight into their goals and motivations.

Patoliya said that successful leaders allow their teams to develop autonomy and add value according to their own personal strengths. "Being able to recognize the strengths of individuals within their team, and allowing them to be responsible and accountable, not only increases employees' confidence in themselves and their leader, but also increases their performance."

Keep meetings productive.

As the saying goes, time is money. So, of course, you should want to limit tangents and other time wasters during meetings. If you trust your team to do their job, there should be no need for micromanaging, and meetings can run swiftly.

Be open to feedback and criticism, and use it to grow.

Ask your supervisor for corrective feedback. It might be difficult, but it demonstrates you are not only comfortable with your abilities, but that you take your career growth seriously and are willing to learn from mistakes. When you are criticized or you make a mistake, own it. Ask your manager to describe what the right approach would have been, so you have a clear expectation of what they would have done      

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